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Loading Delivery Schedules

The import file must always be preceded by a loading of the delivery schedules from the import file. This can be done manually in the procedure called Manual MEDI in the Global Settings module. You can also run MEDI automatically, or schedule regular runs. Read more about this in the chapter The MEDI Program.

If the program is run manually, you will first see a control question before the loading takes place.


Control question.

After this, a link will open against the database and the data from the delivery schedules in the import file will be written into the database, and structured into a special EDI Data table.


MEDI transfers the delivery schedules to the database.

You can also change the data in the table by using the EDI Data procedure. The data is taken from this table when the Delivery Schedules are imported and placed in the order backlog in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure.

See also:

Importing Delivery Schedules to the Order Backlog