You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Electronic International Payments > Reporting Payments using Confirmation LB/FB

Reporting Payments using Confirmation LB/FB

The Confirmation LB/FB procedure is used when payment orders for supplier invoices have been received from the bank giro or PlusGiro systems.

Select LBI/FBI in the top part of the window, and enter the payment date for the payments that have been made. Then click the Load button.

In the list displayed below, you can subsequently report which payments that have been made, as well as the used exchange rate and possible bank charge paid.

Example of a list in the Confirmation LB/FB procedure.

Once the list has been saved, you can request a printout of payments.

Please Note! You must always execute confirmations of international payments, even if you did not choose to apply confirmations in the system. This can be configured in the Global Settings module, using the setting called Confirmation LB/FB in the Settings procedure, under the Purchase tab. Thus, the above mentioned setting does not have to be checked, in order for confirmations to be made for international invoices.

You can then make a printout of an accounting order for the payments, using the Print Outgoing Payment Ledger/Accounting Orders procedure.