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Settings for Sending XML File

There are default settings regarding when XML files shall be attached to e-mail messages. These settings are configured for both customers and suppliers. The settings can be modified if needed by using the button Attach XML file... under the Info tab in the Update Customer and Update Supplier procedures, or in the Customer List and Supplier List when using the list type Attach XML file. Normally, you do not have to modify the settings.

The default customer settings are that order confirmations, dispatch advices and invoices shall be attached as XML files to e-mail messages. It is also configured that a text file shall be attached when sending price lists via e-mail from the procedure Price List - Sales, when using the list type Order simulated price - external.

The customer setting Attach XML file.

The default supplier settings are that purchase orders, delivery schedules and claims shall be attached as XML files to e-mail messages. It is also configured that a text file shall be attached when sending annual volumes via e-mail from the procedure Print Annual Volume in the Inventory module.

The supplier setting Attach XML file.

There are two settings that determine if it should be configured for new customers and suppliers to attach XML files by default, according to above. When MONITOR-to-MONITOR is used only for a few customers/suppliers or none at all, these two settings should not be activated (they are activated by default from the beginning). However, you can manually configure for new customers/suppliers that XML files shall be attached by default. The settings are called Attach XML file by default for new customers and Attach XML file by default for new suppliers, under Customers under the Sales tab and under Supplier under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

The setting Default text type on text rows in an XML filedetermines which text type that will be used by default for texts dragged in using MONITOR-to-MONITOR. The setting is located under the heading Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

See also:

E-mail Settings Regarding MONITOR-to-MONITOR