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Basic Data

The basic data needed to use the Product Configurator in MONITOR consists of a preparation and a configuration group with defined parts and rules of how these are to be used. Configuration groups are registered in the Update Configuration Group procedure.

Basic Preparation

ClosedBasic preparations are registered in the Preparation procedure. The preparations should describe a stripped basic model, that is, only to include the parts that will always be a part of the product and are not optional in any way.

Basic preparation in the Preparation procedure.

Configuration Group

Each basic preparation/part number is linked to a Configuration group. The ClosedConfiguration group should define which different selection alternatives that can be selected, and combined with each other, in so called selection groups (see pos. 1).

A configuration group in the Update Configuration Group procedure.

This will result in a basic preparation to which you can add different selectable parts (selection alternatives) from the configuration group.

There are three types of selection groups:

Each selection group then has to contain selection alternatives which are the different parts that should be selectable as a necessary selection, an option or several options (depending on type of selection group). If e.g. "Frame" is a selection group, you should register alternate frames (parts) as selection alternatives (see pos. 2).

To each selection group and selection alternative you can, if desired, link a file/image that, for instance, describes the part in question.

By entering different rules for each part, you can determine whether these are to exclude or include other selections, if they are to be unique or if they are to be combined with other alternatives, etc.

When rules are used to allow a selection to include other selections in the Product Configurator, you will now find a memory function that remembers if selections have been added via such a rule. If the first selection is deselected, the included selections will also be deselected, that is, if they were not already selected manually.

You can link a selection alternative to an incorporated M-part in the BOM list in the basic preparation. The selection alternative will then affect the incorporated M-part's BOM list.

The main part can also be a fictitious part. This way it is possible to select material to an M-part in a selection group when the material is not incorporated in the main part's basic preparation. Then the M-part should only have the fictitious part in the BOM list in the basic preparation. The fictitious part will then be set as main part for the different selection alternatives selectable to the M-part.

General selection groups (that can be a part of several configuration groups) can be registered in the Update Selection Group procedure. They will then be selectable during updates of configuration groups.


A configuration group can also contain Closedvariables, apart from selection groups and selection alternatives according to the above. Variables are used when manufacturing custom-made products, such as doors, windows and mirrors. You can, directly in the variable table, enter new variables that only will apply for the configuration group in question. General variables (that can be a part of several configuration groups) can be registered in the Variables procedure. They will then be selectable in the variable table during updates of configuration groups.

Variables activated in a configuration group.

In order to use variables, you have to activate the setting Use variables under the Product Configurator under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

The variables are linked to selection alternatives via formulas that are created in a formula window. You can enter Closedquantity formulas on selection alternatives in a configuration group, that allow the quantity to be determined by the formula on the selection alternative. In the sample for instance, the selection alternative "Mirror, clear" has a variable quantity in m2, depending on frame variant, frame width and frame height. However, the variables are entered in mm in the sample.

A quantity formula on a selection alternative, in the sample "Mirror, clear".

You can also enter Closedformula rules that allow the system to exclude or include the selection alternative if a term is fulfilled in the formula. In the sample for instance, the "Hook, small" will be excluded in the configuration window on a customer order if the mirror's area is larger than 1 m2. In that case, it will automatically become "Hook, large" in the configuration.

A formula rule on a selection alternative, in the sample "Hook, small".

You can also enter a price formula on parts included in a configuration group. You enter the price formula under the Price formula button in the Update Part or Preparation procedures. The price formula is used to calculate the price of the part in a configuration, that in turn is based on the standard price and sales price of the part and the variable values entered in the configuration window on a customer order.

On operation rows in the Preparation procedure, you can enter time formulas for setup and unit time, and on material rows, you can enter quantity formulas. Further, you can enter instruction formulas on both operation and material rows. These functions are activated by three different settings under the Preparation heading under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.