You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > Product Configurator

Product Configurator

In this section, you will find settings that apply to the product configurator. The Product Configurator is a Supplement to MONITOR.

Price on order row

For quote and orders the price is displayed on the order rows. The available alternatives are:

Insert selection text on quotes/orders?

On quotes and orders a selection text is displayed as a text row under the order row, if you have checked that the selection text should be printed. This selection is made in the Update Configuration Group or Update Selection Group procedures. The selection text is made up of, for example, a part name + price. Here you select what the selection text should consist of. The available alternatives are:

Insert heading before selection texts?

By activating this setting, a heading for the selections made in the configuration window will be inserted above the text rows on the quote/order. The heading text is language controlled and can be changed/translated on row 409 in the Languages procedure.

Show main part's price together with selection texts?

With this setting you select whether or not the main part's price information with selection texts should be displayed.

Default text type for selection text

By checking this setting you can select for which types of documents that the selection text should be displayed by default. The available alternatives are:

Path to image directory

Here you can enter a default file path where you can save images that you can later use for selection groups and selection alternatives via the F button in the Update Configuration Group and Update Selection Group procedures.

Show excluded selection group alternatives in selection list?

By checking this setting you will also see the selection alternatives in the configuration window that was excluded by a rule made in the Update Configuration Group or Update Selection Group procedures. These selection alternatives will then be displayed in red in the configuration window in for example an order, but they can not be selected to the configuration.

Frozen price default in configuration window

Here you can select when the setting Frozen price by default should be configured for an order. The available alternatives are:

When the setting Frozen price has been activated in a configuration, it is the price on the order row that is frozen.

Calculation on quote/customer order row?

When this setting is not activated, a standard price/cost price for a configured order/invoice will be calculated. This is used to assist during the contribution margin (CM) calculation and as a basis when coding cost of goods sold with a complete standard price. To manage coding of cost of goods sold with a share of material or management accounting in combination with the configuration, you need a complete calculation where the price is divided.

If this setting has been activated a complete calculation will be made for quote or customer order rows in a configuration. This also applies to configured orders that are imported in the Import EDI Orders procedure. The calculation will be run when these rows are saved in the respective procedure. The price will then become divided in the calculation in order to manage the coding above. The setting is activated by default.

In the Part Info procedure you can see saved calculation under the Saved calculations button in the Manufacturing tab. Saved calculations from configurations are displayed there with the price alternative Conf.

In the Print Customer Invoice Ledger / Accounting Orders, Invoicing Log and WIP List procedures these saved calculations are used instead of the standard calculation on the part.

The standard price that is saved on the order row is the total from the calculation. It can differ from the standard price that the CM is based on in the configuration window.

Cost price/standard price alt. in the configuration window

Here you can select which price alternative that shall apply for cost price/standard price in a configuration of an order. The available alternatives are:

Use variables

If this setting is activated you can use variables in configurations. This means that you can enter different numerical and text variables. For example, to manufacture a custom-made window in any optional color. If this setting is activated, you can use variables in the Update Configuration Group procedure in the Manufacturing module. In the Variables procedure, in the Manufacturing module, you define the different variables that should be selectable in the Update Configuration Group procedure and in the Configuration window.

Use price formula for weight calculation in configuration window

If the unit for a part in a custom-made product is e.g. meter (m), then the price will be set to price/m at the configuration. This comes from the price formula which makes a unit conversion. This setting also performs a unit conversion of the part's weight, so this will also be weight/m at the configuration.

Insert text rows on P-order from instruction on material

If this setting is activated, the instruction texts that have been entered under the button I or IC for material in the Preparation procedure will be loaded to purchase order suggestions/purchase orders. The instruction texts will then be considered as additional text rows (row type 4).