You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Product Configurator > Configuration Window

Configuration Window

During a configuration, selections are made about how a product should be created by using different variables, selection alternatives (parts) and rules. The configuration is made in a Closedconfiguration window in connection to quoting, customer and manufacturing order registration, pre-calculation and delivery time check. The configuration window opens automatically when a part linked to a configuration group is loaded to for example an order row.

The Configuration for part window.


If variables are applied and exist in the configuration group, you will see Variables above the selection groups. If you select the option, you will see the ClosedVariables section where you can enter values for numerical variables, e.g. the measures that apply for the product. For text variables, you can enter an alphanumerical text, e.g. a color code.


Variables can be mandatory, which means that you must enter a value.

Variables can be determined by a selection group, which means that they can be shown or hidden here if the affected selection alternatives for selection groups are selected.

The entered values in the variables can be printed on manufacturing order documents under Configuration. The values are also included in customer orders as additional text rows, as long as "None" is not selected in the Insert selection text field in the configuration window. However, to be able to print a variable on an order document, you must select the A check box on the variable in the configuration group. You cannot select/deselect it here in the configuration window.

In order to use variables, you have to activate the setting Use variables under the Product Configurator under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

Select Alternative in Selection Group

In the Select selection group section, the selection groups are marked in turn where one or several selection alternatives in the selection group should be selected.

Here you can expand each selection group separately in the structure map by using the right arrow key or by right-clicking. By using the button, you can maximize all the sections.

You can navigate in this section using the up and down arrow keys and select the marked alternative by using the Ctrl+Enter key combination. You can also use "drag and drop" to drag an alternative and drop it to the lower section Selected configuration.

The principle is that you should be able to make all selections in a configuration in this section, unless another quantity than the default quantity should be entered. Then this has to be done in the section Select alternative in selection group. This section can also be used to select one or several alternatives in the selection group (depending on the type of selection group) that should be included in the configuration.

If variables are applied, selection alternatives and selection groups can be determined by formula rules. This means that some selection alternatives can be excluded or included, depending on the entered values in the variables in the configuration window. However, selection groups can only be excluded.

If a selection alternative has been excluded or included, you can place the cursor on it to see the rule in a so called tooltip. You can also see the additional name of a selection alternative in a tooltip by holding the cursor on the name of the selection alternative in this section and in the Selected configuration section.


If you click the symbol that looks like a camera at the top right corner of the window, you can show/hide images that have been added to the selected alternative (part) in the selection group. You can change the image size by dragging and clicking the vertical and horizontal frame to the left and under the area where the image is displayed.

The Comment button

You can add comments to a configuration by using the Comment button located in the middle of the configuration window. These are internal comments regarding for example price, different selections, changes, etc., and that can be useful to enter for a configuration. The comments will not be printed on any external documents as e.g. quotes and customer orders. If the supplement Document Viewing is installed, the button Document Viewer appears, which is used to link external documents relevant for a configuration group, for example drawings, blueprints, etc. There is no automatic printout opportunity for linked documents, but they can be seen on manufacturing orders and serial numbers. Read more about the Entering Comments or Instructions in the chapter called MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Selected Configuration

In this lower section you can see the selected configuration with its Selection group, Selection alternative and Quantity. The Quantity can be changed here unless it is displayed in italics.

If a quantity formula has been entered for a selection alternative in the configuration group, the quantity field for that part will be displayed in pink until the necessary variables have been entered in the configuration. The pink color means that the quantity formula could not be calculated, since no variable was entered. When all the necessary variables have been entered, the color of the quantity field becomes light green and you can see the quantity formula in a "tooltip" if you place the cursor on the quantity field. The same applies also to price fields, if there is a price formula entered on the part, see below.

Under Show you can select if you want to include the part name in quote and order rows. If the part (the selection alternative) has an alternate selection text, this will be included instead of the regular part name. An alternate selection text can be entered on the part under the General tab in the Update Part procedure.

Under Selection group you will see an Alternate preparation code depending on the selected configuration and how the alternate preparation code has been defined in the Update Configuration Group procedure.


If you from a customer order row or a quote row load the configuration window, then you will in the Selected configuration section see price information for the basic part and all selected parts in the configuration. The default price and discount are loaded according to corresponding rules as a regular customer order row. The difference between a configuration row and a customer order row is that you can, on a customer, define a special price for a configuration row. This is done in the Price List - Configuration field under the Address/Terms tab in the Update customer procedure.

In the left column Price you can select or enter another gross price for the part, if needed. You can also enter a predetermined Discount. In the right price column Amount you can see the current gross price for the basic part and the selected parts in the configuration. You can adjust the net price for the basic part here. The discount will then be calculated automatically.

If there is a price formula entered on a part, the price field for that part will be displayed in pink until necessary variables are entered in the configuration. The pink color means that the price formula could not be calculated, since no variable was entered. When all necessary variables have been entered, the color of the price fields becomes light green and you can Closedsee the price formula in a tooltip if you place the cursor on the price field. The same applies also to the quantity field, if there is a quantity formula entered on the selection alternative in the configuration group.

Formulas in quantity and price fields are displayed if you place the cursor on the fields.

At the very bottom under both the price and amount columns the Total for configuration selections and Basic price part (without configuration) and Total configuration are displayed.

To the far right you can, under the Standard price column, see the standard price for each part and the Total standard price for comparison with the selected price for the configuration. This price can also be managed via a price formula.

At the bottom to the left you can also see the contribution margin CM and the contribution ratio CR for the selected configuration and the selected price.


The incorporated parts' weights in the configuration are totaled. The weight is loaded to the order row in the same way as the price. The weight on the order row will then be used during weight calculation in for example the Delivery List and Print Shipping Documents procedures.

For a part that has the unit meter (m), a price formula performs a unit conversion to generate a price/m. In order to generate a correct weight calculation of the part in the configuration window, you must also calculate the weight as weight/m. This is done via the price formula if the Use price formula for weight calculation in configuration window is activated under the Product Configurator heading under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

When the setting above is activated, the weight field for that part will be displayed in pink until necessary variables are entered in the configuration. The pink color means that the weight could not be calculated, since no variable was entered. When all the necessary variables have been entered, the color of the weight field becomes light green and you can see the weight calculation formula in a "tooltip" if you place the cursor on the weight field. The same applies for price fields and quantity fields, according to the above.

Insert Selection Text

If you from a customer order row or a quote row load the configuration window, then you will in the Selected configuration section see a field called Insert selection text. Here you can select further information that shall be inserted with the selection text on the order row. By using the setting Insert alternate selection text on quotes/orders under the Product Configurator heading under the System tab in the Settings procedure, you can determine which alternative that should be selected by default.

The configuration window now saves the selection made in the field Insert selection text together with each configuration. The same selection will then apply if you load an existing configuration and change it.

The selection made in the field Insert selection text is saved together with each configuration. The same selection will then apply if you load an existing configuration and change it.

Insert Serial Number

If you from a customer order row or quote row load the configuration window, then you can use the Insert serial number check box to select if a serial number for the product should be created and inserted as a row type 5 (Serial number) on the customer order. A serial number will then be loaded from the number series in question when using the Confirm button in the configuration window. However, the serial number will not be saved in the product register until you save the order. A serial number can have a maximum of 40 characters.

To insert serial number during configuration the following conditions apply:

Please note that it is only the quantity on the customer order row when the configuration is confirmed (the Confirm button in the configuration window) that the serial number is created for.

Frozen Price

If you from a customer order row or quote row load the configuration window, then you can use the Frozen price check box to determine if the price for a configuration should be frozen or not. A frozen price is useful for example in case the price has been agreed in advanced with the customer. If changes are made afterwards for a configuration with frozen price, the price on the order row will not change - no matter what price the configuration shows.

You can choose whether the check box should be selected by default or not by using the setting Frozen price default in configuration window under the Product Configurator heading under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

Configuration Group

Next to the Configuration group heading at the very bottom of the configuration window, you can see the name of the current configuration group that the configuration is based on. If you change the configuration group on the part after the order has been created, you will also see the name of the part's configuration group in red. If you place the cursor on the name of a configuration group, you will see a "tooltip" with explaining information about which configuration group it is.

Created by/Modified by

At the very bottom of the window you can see by whom and when the configuration was created and modified.

The Calculate Button

By using the Calculate button, you can generate a calculated total standard price and calculated CM and CR, to generate a correct manufacturing cost. The calculated total standard price might differ from the original total standard price in the Standard price column (which is the total of standard price for configuration selection and basic price part in the column). The difference can depend on additions and variable codes, quantity formulas and price formulas on incorporated operations and material. Therefore, the correct total standard price cannot be generated directly in the configuration window without performing a calculation.

When the total standard price, CM and CR have been calculated, they will get an orange background color in the configuration window. If changes are made in the selected alternative in the selection group or in the variable values, a new calculation shall be performed. The calculated total standard price is included in the order row's price each when you save the configuration by clicking on the Confirm button.

The Confirm and Cancel Buttons

By using the Confirm button you add the selected configuration and the changes are saved. If you re-open the configuration window for example for the same order, then it will be the selected configuration that is displayed. However, you should note that the selected configuration is not permanently saved until the quote, order, calculation etc. have been saved.

By using the Cancel button, all selections made in the window will disappear. If you re-open the configuration window for example for the same order, the default configuration will be displayed again.

Window Functions

When the configuration window is open, there are a few special functions in the Window functions toolbar.

Select Cancel to close the configuration window (also available as a button in the window).

Select Confirm to add the selected configuration and to save the changes (also available as a button in the window).

Select Delete text row to remove the selected text row that has been added using the below mentioned alternative.

Select Insert text row to insert a text row after the selected row in the configuration. With a text row you can for example add an option that does not affect price, incorporated material or operations. You can also use a text row to comment a selection alternative that has been added from a selection group.