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Using CRM

MONITOR's CRM feature is based in a contact/customer register with functions such as customer status, activity planning, reminder function and text log to document all business events. This contact register should then be combined with other functionalities in MONITOR to involve and provide an overview of the entire business.

Customer Status of Different Types of Business Contacts

Is the new business contact a potential customer or have we already received an order, and the business contact thereby assessed as an actual customer? Is it a contact you met at a fair or such? By entering different customer status for your business contacts you can easily select by and focus your work on the right type of contact.

You update the customer status under the CRM tab in the Update Customer procedure or in the Customer Info procedure.

Planning Activities and the Reminder Function

You are or will probably become loaded with things that have to be done and things that should have been done. By registering all planned activities for the customer/contact in MONITOR you will gain a good view of your commitments for the respective customer. If any of the planned activities should be overlooked, you can choose to get a reminder in the system.

All planned customer activities in MONITOR can easily be synchronized by an external calendar system (Microsoft Outlook/Lotus Notes).

You can load a list and print customer activities via the Customer Activity List procedure.

In the Activity Reporting - Sales procedure you can select and print, and report sales activities in list form.

What Did We Decide...?

Do you have full control of what agreements you have made with your customers? In MONITOR you can easily write down and see all conversation and events that have taken place between you and your business contacts. It can be all types of business events, phone calls, visits, appointments, letters, e-mails, orders, service orders, etc. You easily sign all notes with date and name.

In the Exact Match Search - Sales procedure you can in an easy way search among all notes.

Customer Order and Quote Export/Import

As an expansion of the CRM feature in MONITOR you can from a local copy of the database create and export bases for quotes, customer orders and invoices. This means that e.g. a sales person can register a customer order in his/her local MONITOR system in connection with a visit to customers and then export it via an e-mail message to the office for import to MONITOR.

The export/import function is further described in the section Order Export/Import.

If Involved Personnel is Unavailable...

In MONITOR all information is gathered in the same place. That is why work is not as dependent on all personnel being on location. It is very easy to view each other's activity logs during for example sickness absence. Thereby, important information will not be lost if someone at the company quits his/her job, and it is easy for newly employed personnel to take over customers from his/her predecessor. Of course, you can determine the level of information access in the system depending on the user rights.