You are here: Manufacturing > Calculations > Post-Calculation > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. The cursor is automatically positioned in the Order number field, where you select the order or orders for which you want to create a post-calculation.

At this point, only the Create tab has been activated. First you must create a calculation in order to activate the other tabs. You only need to select an order number to create a post-calculation. If you do not want to calculate a post-calculation for an order, you can choose either a project or a part number. To select a project, you must move back from the Order number field to the Project field by using Shift+Tab. To select a part, you deselect the E (Entire) box in order to open the Part number field.

At the far right you will see any customer code and finish date for the order. If the order is not included in the calculation of Post-calculated mean price, you will see a red asterisk (*) to the right of the finish date. Post-calculated mean price is calculated in the Post-Calculation Selection procedure.

In the upper portion of the Create tab, you configure all the parameters that you want to apply to the post-calculation. You can later return to the Create tab and change these parameters in order to create a new post-calculation. If you have created a calculation and the parameters in the Create tab are subsequently changed, you will receive a question if you want to create a new calculation when you select to preview or view one of the lists.

The available parameters in the top portion of the window are: