You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Register Manufacturing Order > How Do Terms Affect Manufacturing Orders?

How Do Terms Affect Manufacturing Orders?

When you register a manufacturing order in MONITOR, it will take into account the terms that you configured during Preparation. In the Search Form tab, four standard terms are displayed: Orders, Quantity, Period and Customer code.

If you use alternate preparations, you will find the checkbox Show terms in the Search Form. If you check this box, the terms Revision and Alternate preparation code will also be shown.

If the setting Allow revision changes during order registration? has been configured under Order on the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, you can select Revision for the part in a manufacturing order. The active revision for the part is set by default.

If you have set terms for a part in the Preparation procedure using any of these alternatives, and you later create a manufacturing order for that part, then the entered term will apply. This naturally depends on whether the order fulfills the requirements of the term.

Orders will thereby be created according to the terms that have been entered in the Search Form. The terms that have been entered throughout the entire structure will be applied to the Quantity and Period fields. In other words, there will be no breakdown of the Quantity or Period fields for the underlying levels in the structure.