You are here: Workshop Info > Employees > Update Employee > Recording Type

Recording Type

Select between Attendance + work or Work only. The "Work only" setting will disconnect the employee from any attendance recording and only record the work done. All the settings except for those related to work recording will be greyed out, and the Schedule field will automatically select the No schedule option. You can also select a Fixed schedule if needed.

How Should These Two Alternatives Be Used?

Attendance + work is used for employees who work directly in the manufacturing, whether or not they are only going to record work, or if the will also report operations or indirect work in some way.

Work only can be used in two ways, where alternative 1 is with No schedule and alternative 2 is with a Fixed schedule. Both are intended to be used for machines (work centers) during what is called "machine recording". In that case, a machine is registered as an employee, and if it is also registered as an individual work center in the Manufacturing module, you should use the same employee number as the work center number. The criteria required to make machine recording more advantageous are:

Alternative 1 - No schedule means that when an operator starts and finishes work for the machine, the time is reported according to the preset timing code, but without being linked to a schedule. The timing code determines how time is registered for operations, see the Timing code field in the Update Work Center procedure.

Alternative 2 - Fixed schedule is used if you what to deduct fixed breaks or recesses from the recorded time. The machine must then be linked to a so-called 24-hour schedule, please see the Help section for the Update Schedule procedure. That way the calculation of the time that should be registered take the timing code into consideration as well as the schedule, and no time will be recorded during breaks. Please note that the machine will still not have any links to attendance recording.