You are here: Workshop Info > Authorize / Adjust > Shorter Working Hours > Calculation Bases

Calculation Bases

Here you enter whether the shorter working hours should be based on the number of attendance days or attendance hours. Each entitled hour/day is multiplied by the factor saved in the Shorter working hours field in the Group Settings procedure or from schedule. Also the alternative "Calculation based on schedule" is based on the number of attendance hours.

The calculation basis that is used should be determined before you start using the procedure, and the right value must then be saved in the Group Settings or Update Schedule procedures. By creating several group settings, you can enter different values for daytime employees and shift employees, etc.

A daytime employee is entitled to 54 minutes per week in shorter working hours. If the calculation basis is per day, then the value of 0.18 hours should be saved in the Group Settings for daytime employees. If the calculation basis is per hour, you divide 54 minutes with 60 to convert minutes into hours and then you divide it by the number of working hours per week, such as 40. This result (that is 0,0225 hours) is then saved in the group setting or on the schedule.


The procedure remembers the selected settings, so that they are configured the next time the user opens this procedure.