You are here: Workshop Info > Detail Planning > Priority Planning > The Info Menu for the Operations Tab

The Info Menu for the Operations Tab

The following functions appear via the Info menu under the Operations tab:

The priority plan options in the Info menu under the Operations tab (apart from the linked Info procedures).

Report Number Log

Shows a table over everything that has previously been done with this operation, please see The Info Menu on Operation Rows in the Order Info procedure in the Manufacturing module.

Loading - Loading Plan

Shows the loading plan for the work center to which the selected operation belongs. Please see more under the Loading / Work Center procedure in the Manufacturing module.

Create Monitoring Task

Here you can link to the Monitoring Tasks procedure in order to monitor the following events: Operation started, Operation reported and Operation finished.

Layout - Save Layout

When you have changed the layout of the table, you can use Save layout to save your changes.


The Save layout alternative.

Layout - Reset Standard Layout

This command will reset the original layout or appearance of the table. All the changes made so far will be reset (cancelled).


The Reset standard layout alternative.