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General Information about Planning Board

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What is a Planning Board?

The Planning Board is a tool that is used to illustrate an overall view of the workload of a number of work centers, and can be used in conjunction with the Priority Planning procedure to see the loading in detail and replan if necessary.

The workload or volume is shown in number of operations or hours.

The work centers in the Planning Board can belong to a certain planning area or section, or a particular project and so on.

How Does the Planning Board Work?

The Create tab works just like other Create tabs for lists in MONITOR, but with the one single purpose of creating a selection of work centers (this is why you cannot sort the list). The Planning Board is not a regular list, but more of a graphic planning tool, that is also linked to the Priority Planning procedure. It shows the operations that are planned for each respective work center, divided into operations that are Not ready to run, Ready to run and In progress.

The Planning Board is linked to the Priority Planning procedure in two ways:

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: