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Attendance Recording

When you are configuring basic data for attendance recording, you must also create salary types, absence codes, schedules and schedule calendars. Salary types are registered both in schedules and for the absence codes. The schedules must also in turn be linked to schedule calendars. Based on these requirements, the proper work flow is:

  1. Create salary types and salary codes in the Codes procedure. You must enter all possible combinations of salary types with regard to the salary codes. For example, for the Overtime type "Comp", the compensation for all collective agreement employees should be a combination of time for the comp balance and an overtime supplement. Remember that it is best to use the same code and name for salary types and names as your payroll program, if possible.
  2. Create absence codes and link the right salary type to the respective codes. Use the different salary type columns to link different salary types to the same absence reason. The different columns will later be linked to groups of employees in the Group Settings procedure.
  3. Create work schedules and overtime schedules in the Update Schedule procedure, linking them to salary types for both working hours and overtime. Remember that you must create separate schedules if the salary types differ, for example collective agreement employees (union contract or "blue-collar" workers) and salaried personnel ("white-collar" workers) often have different schedules since both the basic salaries and overtime salaries are different.
  4. Create schedule calendars in the Schedule Calendar procedure.

This work flow or order may be difficult to follow exactly, since it may be difficult to remember all the salary types straight away. Another alternative that may be a bit easier in that case, is:

  1. Start by registering schedules and absence codes. Use a temporary salary type for all schedules, and just don't enter any salary types for the absence code.
  2. Create schedule calendars and link them to the employees.

Now you can start using the attendance recording feature. The only function that will not be available is to create a salary basis. And then you:

  1. Create salary types for work schedules and overtime schedules based on the salary type tables from your payroll program, and update all the schedules using the correct salary types. This can be done directly in the Codes procedure, or by entering a salary type in the schedule, which automatically opens the procedure used to create salary types.
  2. Create salary types and link them to absence codes.

Please note! MONITOR has certain limitations when it comes to advanced absence management: The system does not allow you to separate Qualifying days from absence due to illness. Nor can it divide up a Leave of absence, depending on whether it is more than or less than 5 days.