You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Register Manufacturing Order > The Registration Tab

The Registration Tab

When you open the procedure, the Registration tab first appears. This is where you enter the information needed to register or replan manufacturing orders.

At this point, this is the only tab activated. A new order or an existing order that has been replanned must first be saved in order to activate the Print tab. If there are any errors, the Warnings tab is activated.

In the upper portion of the tab, you configure all the settings that you want to apply to the order, and in the lower portion you enter the part number, quantity, finish period etc. The only information needed to create a manufacturing order is a part number and a quantity. Once you have entered all the required information, click Save to start registering the order.

In the upper portion of the Registration tab you will find the following settings:

In the lower portion of the window you will find the following settings:

In the Info menu you can perform requirement calculations of M-parts for the manufacturing orders that have been registered or when you replan an existing order. This can be done without having to save the order.

It is possible to save manufacturing order with a prefix in the order number. When you save the order, a window automatically appears where you can select if you want the prefix to be optional or mandatory. In order to use this function, you have to activate the Use prefix to manage manufacturing order types setting under Orders under the Manufacturing procedure in the Settings procedure.