Form Settings for Sales and Purchase

Below you will find a collective description of the different settings for the forms found under the form types Sales and Purchase. Some of the settings described here can also be found in the form types Quality, Inventory, Manufacturing and Accounting.

Use Crystal Reports Form

If this alternative is selected the corresponding Crystal form file (.rpt) will be used for this form. The file name for standard Crystal form or forms will be displayed in the field to the right. One standard Crystal form has the same layout as the built-in form in MONITOR.

A standard Crystal form file is included in the system for each form and variant of form. The standard Crystal form files can be found in the Standard folder under \Monwin\Crystal\.

If this alternative has been selected you can also use customized Crystal forms. However, these are not entered here below but under the Forms button under the Info tab in the Update Customer procedure in the Sales module.

The selection to use Crystal forms does not require regeneration of forms. Neither does a later change of the settings. However, if you deselect the use of Crystal forms, regeneration is required.

Use Customized Form

If you have checked the setting Use Crystal Reports form, you can with this setting select to use a customized such form. You should then enter the file path and file name to the customized form in the field below the setting.

To be able to create customized Crystal forms you must have a design tool from Crystal Reports. We also recommend that the person who will customize the forms should attend the MONITOR course Database Access 1 & 2. Read more about the courses at to see our course program.

File Name for Customized Form

Here you enter the file path and file name for the customized form. For certain forms there are several customized forms included that have their own file name, for example for Invoice. Always enter the UNC path to the form file.

We recommend that customized forms should be saved in a separate folder in the same path as the standard Crystal forms on the server. This is prepared in the system with a folder called Custom under \Monwin\Crystal\.

If the field for file name and file path to the customized forms is left empty, then the standard Crystal form will be used instead.

Small Header Page 2...

If you check this alternative, the Header 2 field will not be printed on the following pages. If the printout covers several pages, this alternative gives you more space for part rows on the following pages.

Two Order Rows

This setting is only available for packing list, purchase order, order confirmation, modified purchase order and modified purchase order e-mail. If you check this setting, the form rows will be divided into two rows for each part. This allows you to enter the complete information concerning the supplier's and our part number on the first row, and the part name on the next row.

Print Additional Text

Select one of these alternatives for how to print the additional text field. In order for additional text to be printed, you must register the additional text for the form in question in the Form Additional Text procedure. You can insert a maximum of 8 rows containing additional text for each form.

Number of Text Rows

Here you can enter how many of the 8 registered additional text rows that should be printed on each form during printout. If you for example enter a 4 in this field, rows 1-4 will be printed. This setting exists for all forms except Transport Label. Space is set aside on the form for the entered number of rows. This means that there will be an empty space on the form if there is no additional text.

Print Footer

If you check this option, the footer text field will be printed on every page. If you use paper with a pre-printed footer text (such as the company address), you should not check this setting. In order for footer text to be printed, you must translate the footer text for the form in question into all the languages that you print the form in. This is done in the Languages procedure.

Print Company Name

Here you can decide whether or not to print your Company name on the form, or if you want to use an image file as your logotype.

Print Headings

If you check this setting, the heading texts for Header 1-2 will be printed on the form (this is loaded from the Languages procedure). If you use paper with a pre-printed heading text, you should not check this setting. In order for heading text to be printed, you must translate the headings for the form in question into all the languages that you print the form in. This is done in the Languages procedure.

Bold Heading

This setting is intended for matrix printers. If you uncheck this option, your headings, total text and total amounts will be printed in normal font type and not the default bold type. This makes the texts less illegible during printout using certain matrix printers. This setting is not available if you are using Crystal Report forms.

Mark as Copy

If you check this option, a watermark containing the word "Copy" will be printed on the subsequent printouts. This setting also requires that the setting Default no. of copies is preset to 2 or more. When changing this setting you do not need to regenerate forms for subcontract documents.

Print Background Image

Here you can decide if you want to print a background image. It is possible to create your own background images. The file should be named LOGO_BL2.BMP. The image should be 1280x828 pixels using a palette for a maximum of 16 colors. The image should also be made light grey, so that it will not distract too much from the form rows that are printed over the image. The file should be saved in the same directory as the logotype that was entered under the setting Print company name mentioned above. If you check this option, the background image will be printed as a "watermark" just above the additional text field.

If you are using a Crystal Reports form, you can use any image file for the background. The field to the right of the setting Print background image becomes activated when you select this setting. Here you can then enter file path and file name for the image file. The image file can have any name, format and size. It is suggested that the image file is placed in the same folder as the Crystal Report form files. Enter a UNC file path to the image file, for example \\SERVER\MONWIN\CRYSTAL\STANDARD\FILENAME.GIF.

Decimals on Quantity

If you check this alternative, the quantity will be shown with the number of decimals used on the order (up to six decimals) in the Quantity column on the forms. You cannot change the number of decimals shown.


The following settings can be modified without requiring you to re-generate the standard form.

Default Number of Copies

Here you enter the number of copies that should be printed each time. If the Mark as Copy setting has been set, the second and all subsequent copies will be printed with the word "Copy" as mentioned above.

Default Transport Label

For the forms Transport label and Transport label arrival reporting you can select whether Label or Transport label shall be selected by default.

For the form type Purchase you can also select the alternative Small label by default for the Transport label form. This will then apply to the Print Transport Labels, Arrival Reporting and Bar Code Arrival Reporting procedures in the Purchase module.

For the form type Sales you can also select the alternative Transport label 2D by default for the Transport label form. This will then apply to the Print Transport Labels and Delivery Reporting procedures in the Sales module.

Enter Comment

If you check this option on the form Transport Label (Purchase), you can enter a comment in the "Preliminary selection" mode in the Print Transport Labels procedure. You need an adapted form for the comment to be printed.

Show Quantity/Package

This setting determines if the quantity per package, from the corresponding field for the part in the Sales tab in the Update Part procedure, should be printed on the Transport label in the Sales form type.

Bar Code

If you check this setting for the forms Transport label and Transport label arrival reporting, the bar code will be printed on the transport label. The information contained in the bar code is: part number, order number, quantity per package, etc. The 2D bar code type that is used for the format Transport label 2D is PDF 417. The bar code type that is used for other transport labels is Code 39 or Code 128.

Font Size for Part Number (label)

Here you can select font size for the part number for the forms Transport label, Packing list label/Transport label and Transport label arrival reporting, in the Label format.

If you use many characters in your part number, there is a risk that the text field will not be large enough to fit the bigger text size. In order to get more space you can deselect the Show bar code setting.

Font Size for Part Number (transport label)

Here you can select font size for the part number for the forms Transport label, Packing list label/Transport label and Transport label arrival reporting, in the Transport label format. The "transport label" has larger text than the smaller "label" from the start, but this can be changed, if needed.

If you use many characters in your part number, there is a risk that the text field will not be wide enough to fit the bigger text size. In order to get more space you can deselect the Show bar code setting.

Prefix for ...

In the following fields you enter a number of prefixes for 2D bar codes for the form Transport label, format Transp.lab 2D and form EDI Transport Label in Sales. The prefixes become part of the bar codes on the transport labels and helps identify what kind of data they contain, for example order number, part number, etc. In the Bar Code Arrival Reporting procedure the prefix also makes sure that the reading from a transport label ends up in the correct field. By default there is a standard set of Odette prefixes included in the system. Please see below.



Order Number


Part Number




Supplier Number


Package ID


Package ID whole pallet


Package ID smallbox


Package ID mixed pallet


Delivery Note Nmber


Batch Number


In order to use prefixes for bar codes or use other bar code font types than those that are included you need customized forms for the transport labels. Please contact the Adaptation department at Monitor ERP System AB for more information and prices.

PDF 417 Start and Separator

In these two fields you can enter codes for start and separator for the 2D bar codes on the Transport label 2D. By default these codes are entered as seen below.

PDF 417






Print Position

If you check this alternative, an extra column called Position will be displayed to the left of the Part Number column on each part row.

Print Row Type 5

If you check this option, row type 5 will also be printed on part rows. Rows of row type 5 are order rows that contain parts linked via their serial numbers. (Not available for blanket order.)

Print Row Type 6

If you check this option, row type 6 will also be printed on part rows. Row type 6 refers to the incorporated parts in a fictitious part.

Print Fax Number

If you check this option, the fax number that is entered in the header of a quote, order confirmation or purchase order will be printed on the form, to the left above the quote/order rows.

Show Delivery Date

If you check this option, the real or actual delivery date is printed in a separate column called “Delivered” or “Del.”. This applies to the forms Delivery note - delivered and Comprehensive delivery note.

Show Partial Delivery Number

If you check this alternative on the Delivery note form, a partial delivery number will be printed after the order number, with two spaces in between. This will be displayed as " /2" for the second delivery, " /3" for the third and so on. This can be useful to indicate to which delivery the delivery note refers.

Show Partial/Final Delivery

If you check this option, either the "Partial Delivery" or "Final Delivery" will be printed, depending on which type of delivery it refers to. This will be shown under Delivery Method on the form. This applies to the form Delivery note delivered.

Print Revision

If you check this setting, the selected revision for the part (which is selected under Extra row information on an order row, for example), be printed out on a separate row under part name.

Show Net Weight

If you deselect this setting, the total weight value for the order rows will not be displayed in the form header in the Pro forma invoice form.

Print Bank Giro Number in the Footer

If you check this alternative, the Bank Giro number will be loaded from the Company Info field and printed in the footer of the Invoice form.

Print PlusGiro Number in the Footer

If you check this alternative, the PlusGiro number will be loaded from the Company Info field and printed in the footer of the Invoice form.

Print Delivery Date

With this setting activated, you will see the delivery date on the Invoice form.

Print GAN/Customer Number

With this setting checked the customer number at the shipping agent will be printed on the delivery note, order confirmation or on both.

Print Backordered Rows

If you activate this setting you can select which alternative (regarding print backordered rows) should be selected by default in the create tab for the Print Delivery Note (Delivered) procedure. The setting can be overridden in the printout procedure, but when making a direct printout the setting made here will apply.

Print Price Info

With this setting you can determine how the Price info alternative should be set in the create tabs for print quote and customer order. The setting can be overridden in the printout procedures, but when making a direct printout the setting made here will apply.

Print Total

With this setting you can determine how the Price total alternative should be set in the create tabs for print quote and customer order. The setting can be overridden in the printout procedure, but when making a direct printout the setting made here will apply.

Show Date Format Explanation

This setting determines whether or not a short explanation of the date format should be printed on forms, if the customer/supplier has been given a date format in the Date field under the Address/Terms tab in the Update Customer or Update Supplier procedure respectively.

Show Deducted Rows from Invoicing Plan

If you check this box, the deducted rows from the invoicing plan will be included in the forms Delivery note delivered and Comprehensive delivery note.

Show Invoicing Plan

(Applies to Sales forms) If this setting is activated the information about the invoicing plan is displayed on the form, in case an order/quote/invoice has an invoicing plan. This information is displayed below the additional text. (Not available for blanket order.)

Show Payment Plan

(Applies to Purchase forms) If this setting is activated the information about the payment plan is displayed on the form, in case an order has a payment plan. This information is displayed below the additional text. (Not available for blanket order.)

Show Service Technician

Applies to the forms Invoice, Invoice e-mail, Service report, and Service report e-mail.

Show Including VAT

If you check this setting it is possible to show the amount including VAT (value added tax). This alternative is available for the following forms: Quote, Quote e-mail, Order confirmation, Order confirmation e-mail, Purchase order, Purchase order e-mail, Modified Purchase order and Modified Purchase order e-mail. This setting is also available for the forms Subcontract purchase and Subcontract purchase e-mail for the form type Manufacturing.

Print Clarification Text

If you activate this alternative a text that corresponds to the form heading will be printed by the left margin on the forms Inquiry, Inquiry e-mail, Order confirmation reminder, Order confirmation reminder e-mail, Delivery reminder and Delivery reminder e-mail.

Print Quote Number

If you check this setting the supplier's quote number will be printed on the Purchase order form.

Print Additional Name

With this setting you can determine how the Additional name alternative should be set in the create tab for print delivery schedule. The setting can be overridden in the printing procedure.

Print Purchase Comment

With this setting you can determine how the Additional name alternative should be configured in the create tab for print delivery schedule. The setting can be overridden in the printing procedure.

Rows for Purchase Comment

Here you enter how many rows of the part's purchase comment that will be printed on the form. This is only available for the print delivery schedule form.

Not Classified per Arrived Quantity

With this setting you determine whether or not the printout should be classified by the arrived quantity. It will then not be the correct quantity and package numbering. On the other hand you will get a better handling of the quantity and the location on the transport label when an uneven quantity is reported in several locations.

Show Causing Requirement

If you activate this setting you will on the transport label see which M-order, Project, Stock order etc. that is causing the requirement.

Show Message

If you activate this setting the message on purchase order row to goods receiver in the Arrival Reporting will be printed on the transport label.

Show Current Interest Rate

If you activate this setting, the current interest rate is displayed on the interest invoice.

Show City for Delivery Terms

If you check this box, the city for the delivery term will be included in the form.

Show Code for Delivery Terms

If you check this box, the code for the delivery term will be included in the form.

Show Type of Delivery Terms

If you check this box, the type of delivery term will be included in the form.

Show Contents for Packaging

If you check this box, the content will be included in the Packing list.

Only Not Invoiced Rows

If you check this box, only the not invoiced rows will be shown on the Transport label packing list.

Show External Comment/Description

This setting determines if external comments/descriptions shall be shown on the forms Service report (this also applies to the e-mail form).

Show Protocol

This setting determines if service protocols shall be shown on the form Service report (this also applies to the e-mail form, if any).

Show Service Technician

This setting determines if service technicians shall be shown on the forms Service quote and Service report (this also applies to e-mail forms).