You are here: Sales > Accounts Receivable > On Account Payments / Set-offs > The Set-offs Tab

The Set-offs Tab

Under the Set-offs tab you create set-offs between the on account payments/credit invoices and debit invoices, or between customer invoices and supplier invoices.

If you have selected the set-off type On account/Credit invoice, you enter the on account payment or credit invoice that is being set-off in the On account/credit invoice field in the left section called Set-off from...

Then enter the number of the invoice that is being paid via this set-off in the Invoice number field in the right portion of the window called Set-off to... You can only make set-offs between invoices that have been registered in the same currency and to the same customer/supplier. By using the Coding button, you can verify the coding and make any necessary changes.

If you select the set-off type Set-off against supplier invoice, you enter the customer invoice number in the left section and the consecutive number for the supplier invoice in the right section.

The system suggests a Set-off amount and a Set-off date (today's date), but it can be changed if needed. You can also choose the option Charge interest? The coding takes place automatically.

Always Save between each set-off. You may print set-offs (coded or uncoded) using the Print Incoming Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure.