The Info Menu on Quote Rows

You can view additional information and functions for the quote rows by right-clicking to open the Info menu. Read more about the Info menu in the MONITOR General Information chapter in the MONITOR Basics guide. You will find a description below of the menu items that are specific for the quote rows and that are not described in the MONITOR Basics.

Extra Row Info

Here you will find additional information that is not available in the regular Extra row info. The Extra row info is only available for row type 1-3. Here you can enter Transaction type and Statistical goods code. This information is used in the Intrastat Export procedure.

The Extra row info window.

Update Part - Sales

Here you can link to the Update Part - Sales with the correct part loaded.

Copy to Part Selection - Row Type 1 and 6

Here you can copy row type 1 (Part rows) and row type 6 (Underlying fictitious part) to part selection. Read more about Using part selection when registering orders.

Copy to Part Selection - Row Type 1

Here you can only copy row type 1 (Part rows) to part selection.

Insert from Part Selection

By using this alternative you can insert parts from the part selection to the quote rows. Please note that the quantity on the row is always one.

Customer/Supplier Part Number

This applies to the part number field on the quote row. Here you can use the PopUp feature to find the customer's part number, provided that this number is saved on the customer link.

Recalculate Positions

If the cursor is placed in the Pos. field you will find this alternative that can be used to recalculate positions in case row(s) has been added to or deleted from the quote.

Format (Period)

Here you can change format of the Delivery period on the quote rows. In the sub-menu you will find the alternatives YYWW, YYWWD and Date. The selected format will be saved and it will override the general setting made under Period Formats under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

Requirement Calculation

Here you can load current order rows to the Requirement Calculation procedure.


Here you can load current order rows to the Pre-Calculation procedure.