You are here: Sales > Orders > Import EDI Orders > EDI Import

EDI Import

To the left in the order header you have buttons which you use to perform an EDI import. See the description of the buttons below.

You can decide whether several orders in the import file should be imported separately or all at once. A joint setting for import of orders and delivery schedules, named Import delivery schedule one at a time?, is determining if the orders should be imported all at once or one at a time. The setting is located under the heading EDI under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

You use the buttons to perform an EDI-import from all EDI links with the affected format group in the EDI Links procedure. See below.

There is also a function where you can perform an EDI import from a specific EDI link or import a backup file after a failed/interrupted EDI import. You will find three alternatives for this (order, quote and invoice) under the File menu. Read more about this in the section EDI Import from a Specific EDI Link.

The Import Quote Button

With this button you perform the import of new quotes. The import will then be made from EDI links with format group 8 (Quote for import of EDI). After importing the quotes, you can approve, modify and change the quote header and rows to actual quotes in the system.

The Import Invoice Button

With this button you perform the import of new invoice bases. The import will then be made from EDI links with format group 9 (Invoice basis for import of EDI). After importing, you can approve, modify and change the invoice header and rows to actual invoice bases in the system.

The Import Order Button

With this button you perform the import of new customer orders. The import will then be made from EDI links with format group 3 (Import EDI orders). After importing the orders, you can approve, modify and change the order header and rows to actual customer orders in the system.

The Order Response... Button

This button is only activated after an import has been saved with any necessary changes. This button will create an EDI message for order response (order confirmation) that is saved for transfer to the export file that is sent in return to the customer. Any changes made to the order will also be included then. Depending on whether you make any changes on the order rows or not, the status of the order is sent as either Modified or Accepted. The export will then be made to EDI links with format group 4 (Import EDI order responses).