You are here: Sales > Orders > Register Customer Order > Delivery Period

Delivery Period

Row type 1-3, 6 and 9.

Enter the current delivery period for the current order row. The field shows the previous order row's delivery period by default. There is also a field for the delivery period in the Order header. If you enter a delivery period in that field, it will be used by default on the first order row.

The delivery period can be entered using different date formats. The date format will be converted to the format that was entered under Period Formats under the System tab in the Settings procedure. The available formats are: YYWW, YYWWD, YY-MM-DD.

If you load an existing order that has been locked for picking, the delivery period on the order rows that are being picked is highlighted in green.

If a holiday in the Swedish calendar has been selected as delivery period, a Closedwarning will appear indicating that the delivery period is a non-working day. But it is still possible for you to select a holiday as delivery period. A warning also appears if the delivery period is entered as a date that is already in the past.

Warning that the delivery period is a holiday.

In the bottom right corner of the tab you can enter Transport time for order in number of workdays. If transport time is entered, the delivery period indicates when the delivery shall arrive at the customer. This must be considered when you enter the delivery period on the order row to get the correct period when printing order confirmation and delivery note. When changing the transport time for an order you will also receive a warning that the delivery period must be changed for the existing order rows. Transport time can also be entered for a customer under the Info tab in the Update customer procedure. The transport time will then be set by default on an order to that customer. If the transport time is 0 (zero), the delivery period will refer to when the goods are shipped from our warehouse.

An explanatory text regarding the delivery period is also printed on the order confirmation and the delivery note. When transport time is > 0 (zero) the text "Delivery period = arrival you warehouse (transport time x days)" will be printed. When transport time is 0 (zero) the text "Delivery period = shipped our warehouse" will be printed.

The transport time can also automatically be deducted from the delivery period. This is determined by the setting Deduct transport time from delivery period during order registration?, under the section Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. The deduction takes place when a delivery period is entered on an order row and when the cursor then leaves the field.

There are two more fields that concerns delivery periods under the Extra row info... heading at the bottom of the tab:

Requested period is a field where you can enter the requested (desired) delivery period. By configuring a setting under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, the system will automatically update the Requested delivery period with the order row’s delivery period. However, this can only be done as long as the order rows have not been saved.

Requested period and Initial period are updated when you register a new order row, but can be changed during replanning. When making a printout in the Delivery Reliability procedure, you can choose to use the requested, current or initial delivery period as a comparison to the actual delivery period. See the setting Question when changing Current Period, applies to frozen Initial/Requested period under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure. The actual delivery period is updated during delivery reporting.

When registering customer orders there is a reasonability check of delivery period. A delivery period in past time or more than one calendar year ahead generates If such a delivery period is entered a warning appears.