You are here: Sales > Service Management > Register Service Order > The Resource Planning Window

The Resource Planning Window

When using the button called Available service technicians, the Resource planning window opens. In the left portion of the window you select a service technician for the service order. You can select more than one service technician and no technician is selected by default.

At the top of the window you will see the order number of the service order in question. You will also see the order's start and finish date, start and finish time as well as the time used. However, this information can be changed here. A check is made based on this information to see the service technicians' availability. Under the Availability column you will see a text and background color describing each service technician's availability for the selected date interval.

By using the button in the C column you can see the Calendar list for each employed* service technician. By placing the cursor over the button you will see the service technician's schedule number in a so-called tooltip.

In the Select column you select the service technician/service technicians you want to perform the service.

In the right portion of the window you will see a week view calendar for the selected service technician. Here you can see information about the service technician as well as his/her service orders. Depending on the service order status, the orders will be shown with different background colors in the planning window.

At the top of the window, under Include, you can choose to include service orders with status Registered, Printed, Delegated, Received, In progress and Planned absence. For employed service technicians it is relevant to also include Planned absence (loaded from their calendars). All alternatives are marked by default.

You can also choose to show holidays. You can change the date on which the week view calendar should start as well as the date format.

By placing the cursor over a service order in the planning window you will see information about the order as well as the service technician's name and employee number.

At the bottom of the window you can see lag, horizon in hours and week number (in format YYWW).

You can change the size of the window by dragging it.

* For this you need the Workshop module since information about employees, registered calendars and schedules is used.