You are here: Sales > Delivery > Shipment List > General Information about Shipment List

General Information about Shipment List

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab in this procedure you can print lists for all shipment numbers that have been generated for different shipments in the system. You can create lists to update different information and the status for shipments. You can also create lists intended for printouts and attach to the shipment to be signed by a shipping agent.

You can also manage purchase orders and subcontract shipments in this procedure.

A receipt or a shipment list can be printed for several shipments at the same time, if desired. This is very useful if you are sending several shipments at the same time via a shipping agent, since it will make it easier for the driver to check off all the shipments in one single list, instead of having separate documents for each shipment.

In the Standard list you can open a browser and automatically start goods searching on the shipping agent's website.

In certain list types you can, via the Info menu, link from the shipment number to the Print Shipping Documents procedure to open the shipment.

There are several list types that display different information regarding the shipments, the lists display package or order information for the shipments. Please see the printout samples .

Goods Searching

In the list types Standard, Warehouse and Status you can perform goods searching on the Internet. MONITOR supports the following shipping agents: PostNord, DHL Freight, DSV Road and DB Schenker.

If Unifaun is used certain links are shown here for goods searching on the Internet when a shipment is printed or saved in Unifaun Online.

Please Note! This function is only available for Unifaun Online Plus-accounts and has to be activated via Unifaun Support! Please contact Unifaun Support on their website

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the Standard list you can update the status for the shipments. Under the Create tab for this list you can select whether or not status should be changed to Historical/Invoiced for all shipments that have been loaded to the list.

In the References list you can update shipper and receiver references, cash on delivery references and delivery instructions for shipments.

In the Status list you can update the status and whether or not the shipment has been dispatch advised.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in these lists.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: