You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Register Inquiry > The Main Tab

The Main Tab

Under the Main tab you register general information such as addresses, references, terms, etc. All information in this window can be temporarily modified for an existing inquiry.

You can enter the following information in the inquiry's order header:

The Additional text button is used to make notes regarding this inquiry, such as notes from a telephone conversation. If you have installed the Document Viewing supplement in your system, you can also link external documents to inquiries.

The Order button is used once an inquiry has been accepted and you want to create a purchase order based on this inquiry.

At the bottom of the window, you can see who created the inquiry and when. You can also see the equivalent information regarding who modified the order and when. The Comment button is activated if a comment is linked to the selected supplier. You cannot update any records in this comment window.

By using the Info Menu which you access by right-clicking you can go to the Update Supplier procedure for the selected supplier on the inquiry. You can then make changes regarding that supplier.

Under the Rows tab you can see the inquiry rows. You can also use the shortcut keys Alt+R, or select To order rows under Show on the Window menu to access the Rows tab.