You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Register Inquiry > The Rows Tab

The Rows Tab

Under the Rowstab you register inquiry rows. If you are editing an existing inquiry, you can use this window to add, delete or modify inquiry rows. The inquiry rows consist of different columns that change depending on which row type they have been given. There you enter or select different information regarding an inquiry row. You can also view additional information and functions for the inquiry rows by right-clicking to open the Info menu.

The different columns included in the inquiry rows are:

This window also consists of Extra row info where you can change the following information for each inquiry row:

In order to get to the Extra row info section, you can either click with your mouse or use the shortcut keys Alt+E. To the far right of this section, you will always see the current Total amount of the inquiry.

To return to the Inquiry’s order header, you can click on the Main tab, use the shortcut keys Alt+H or select To order header under Show in the Window menu.