You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Confirmation LB / FB > The Manually Tab

The Manually Tab

Under the Manually tab you select which payment method you are conforming.

You enter a payment date (due date) for the invoices that have been paid. Here you can enter a "from" and "to" date, if you want to confirm the payments of an entire week or so. If you want to change the payment date for the selected records this can be done in the New field. Click the Load button to load the invoices into the window.

Place a checkmark in the Confirm box at the far left for the invoices that have been paid. Instead of manually checking each individual invoice, use the Confirm all button to mark all invoices as confirmed.

In the Batch number field you will see the next available batch number. To the right of this field you can enter a text regarding the current payment. You can select Account and Currency.

By using the Coding button, you can preview and/or modify the default coding for the selected invoice.

The different lists show, for each invoice, information about consecutive number, sub-number, supplier invoice number, currency amount and initial amount. In the LBI and FBI lists you will also find information about counter value. The sub-total and total sum of the currency amount are shown in the list.

You can also update the actual payment date, in case it differs from the invoice's due date. You can also update the paid amount (not in the LBI and FBI lists).

In the LBI and FBI lists you can update rate and bank charge. In this list you can only update the paid amount for credit invoices. The bank charge can be registered in the same currency as the invoice or in the company currency. Please note that if the invoice is registered in the company currency, no currency code can be selected for the bank charge.

All credit invoices are shown in red font in the list. You might have to make adjustments regarding the payment date, exchange rate or bank charge etc. You can also make partial payments of credit invoices.

At the bottom of the list you will see a total number of invoices that have been confirmed as well as the total paid amount.