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General Information about Update Accounts Payable Ledger

Why Use This Procedure?

The Update Accounts Payable Ledger procedure is used to register new, modify or delete existing records in the Accounts Payable Ledger. The accounts payable ledger consists of all the accounts payable that have been updated in the system. The fields that can be modified in an existing record are: Payment terms and Due date. You normally create ledger records in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

This procedure is mainly used during system startup, to make sure that invoices from previously used systems will be included in the new Accounts Payable Ledger. Here you can register invoices in the ledger without it affecting the accounting. The invoice will then be given the status Final coded, no matter if the invoice has been coded or not.

During registration, you can also enter coding for each invoice. You can also update the purchase statistics at the same time.

After registration, you can print an invoice list in the Print Supplier Invoice Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure. When deleting supplier invoices, the system will automatically create an offset accounting order that can be printed in the abovementioned procedure.

Adding and Deleting

You can remove (delete) an incorrect supplier invoice. The system will then create an accounting order that will correct the initial coding. The same applies to the purchase statistics. When you delete a supplier invoice an offset accounting will be created. Before you delete the invoice, the system will ask a control question. All the deleted invoices will then automatically end up in the ledger type Deleted. Read more about deleting records under MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.