You are here: Purchase > Orders > Print Modified Purchase Orders > General Information about Print Modified Purchase Orders

General Information about Print Modified Purchase Orders

What Does This Procedure Do?

Here you can re-print purchase orders if new rows have been added, or if the quantity or delivery time has been modified on an existing order. The modifications are made in the Register Purchase Order procedure.

The modified rows are marked with an asterisk (*), and the initial values for the modified fields are printed below each modified order row. After the last order row, a text is printed indicating that the order has been modified. This text can be changed in the Languages procedure in the Global Settings.

Special modified purchase order forms for regular printout and fax printout are available in the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings. The printout can also be sent directly via e-mail as a PDF file. Additional texts for these forms are registered in the Form Additional Text in the Global Settings.

Conditions for Modified Purchase Orders

In order to print a purchase order via this procedure the order must have status between 2 (Printed) and 5 (Partial delivery made). The order must also contain at least one modified row. When you have approved the modified purchase order, it cannot be printed again in this procedure unless a new modification is made.

Purchase Order Status

An order always has a particular "status", depending at what stage the order is in the system. All the status levels (except for Status 3) are set by the system. The following status levels exist:

In this procedure, each new or modified row will get a "modification status". When the form Modified purchase order is printed, the status of the modified purchase order row is set to Not confirmed since the conditions have changed and a new order confirmation is expected for that order row.

In the Search Form you can choose to print the modified purchase order on a regular form, but you can also choose the option Fax in order to print on a special fax form that will be sent via a fax program.

Managing Windows

The Search Form in this procedure consists of two portions. In the left portion of the window, you can select the printout by entering an interval of order numbers, supplier codes or our references. If you leave these fields empty, the system will print all the modified purchase orders.

In the right portion of the window, you can uncheck (deselect) individual orders. When the right portion of the window is activated, you can also click on Preview to preview the printout.

Read more about the different methods for printing modified purchase orders; "Preliminary Selection" and "Direct printing via intervals" .

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.