You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Part Info > More about General

More about General

At the top of this section you can see the Last consumption date for the part and an Alternate selection text.

Here you can find more general information about the part, under different buttons. This information appears in a separate window which also allows you to print the information.

Extra part information using the Inventory log button.

The Noncons Button

Here you can see all nonconformities registered for the part. You can preview the nonconformities in the Cost of Poor Quality procedure by using the Info menu (when right-clicking),

The Location Settings Button

Here you can see the part's location settings if the function Validate location is used. See more about this under Location settings in the Update Part - Inventory procedure.

The Price Formula Button

Here you will see the part's price formulas. This button is only shown if the supplement Product Configurator is used together with the Use variables function.

The Modification Log Button

Here you can find information regarding data that has been changed for this part. Read more about the Modification log button in the help for the Update Part procedure.

The Translation Button

Here you can see the translation of the Part name and Additional name, and into which languages it has been translated. You can also print this information.

The Standard Price Log Button

Here you can see the Standard price log, which contains information about when a standard price was registered, for which price type, from which procedure and by whom. Here you can also see the reported WIP balance of the current part at the time of the standard price change. The setting Log WIP balance during standard price change determines whether or not the WIP balance should be logged. This function is mainly useful for companies that use the supplement Management Accounting in order to adjust the WIP account in the accounting.

The Hyperlinks Button

Here you can see the hyperlinks that are linked to the part. You "link" the hyperlinks under the Hyperlinks button in the Update Part procedure.

The Consumed Statistics Button

This list shows the consumed balance for the part per year and period.

The Inventory Log Button

Here you can see the inventory log for the part, containing information about balance changes, the date and time for these changes, by whom, in which procedure, for which order number, for which location, current balance, revision, batch number and project number.

The Comment Button

Here you can see any existing comments saved for the part under the General tab in the Update Part procedure.