You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > WIP List - Order-bound Purchases > General Information about WIP List - Order-bound Purchases

General Information about WIP List - Order-bound Purchases

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab you can create and print lists with the WIP value of the purchase order rows that were linked to existing manufacturing orders at registration. These purchase order rows are not included in the regular WIP List because they are additional purchase order rows or order rows that has been added afterwards.

A purchase order can be linked to a manufacturing order either in the order header or per purchase order row under Extra row info in Register Purchase Order, but you can also link this order to a manufacturing order when a New order is created for an invoice in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure.

A requirement in order to make WIP calculations for these purchase order rows is that the linked manufacturing order is in WIP, that is, it has at least status 3 (Started) for any of the parts, but lower that status 4 (Finished) for the main part. A quantity must also have been arrival reported for the purchase order row.

Out of the purchase order rows that are linked to manufacturing orders, the only rows that are included by default are the ones with row type 2 (Additional order row), 3 (Service row) and 9 (Tool row).

Normally the purchase order rows with row type 1 (Part row) should not be included here, since only those row types (with parts from the part register) can be included in preparations and thereby be WIP calculated as material in the regular WIP List procedure. However, you can include these rows by selecting the All rows option under the Show... heading under the Create tab. Subcontract purchase order cannot be included either. These are calculated in the regular procedure.

The purchase costs are loaded to the list from the invoice basis in the invoice log if you have configured the setting Create supplier invoice basis during Arrival Reporting?, under the Accounts Payable heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. Otherwise the purchase costs are loaded from the purchase order in the arrival log.

The purchase costs are always shown for the arrival reported quantity, not for the rest quantity. The discount, if any, is deducted, both prior to and after an invoice has been linked.

If another currency than your own is used in an invoice or an order, a currency conversion will automatically be made via the Currencies table. However, the cost in the list will be displayed in the company currency. Under printout samples, you can see samples and explanations of the list.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in this procedure since the WIP value is calculated using statistical values.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this list.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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