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General Information about Copy Budget / Forecast

What Does This Procedure Do?

The Copy Budget / Forecast window can be used in several ways. Data can be copied both between different companies and different accounting years. Data can be copied from historical fiscal years, annual financial statements, periodic statements and current year. Data can only be copied to the current accounting year.

The records that can be copied are; result, budget or forecast. Percentage changes can be performed on copied data.

It is also possible to copy data to the year after the current year. To be able to do this, the following accounting year must be registered. This is done in the Register Accounting Year procedure in the Global Settings module.

One of the useful features is that you can copy the result of the current year to the budget of the following year with an optional percentage change.

The procedure is convenient to use to make different simulations since you can create and copy forecast values.

You can copy any interval of accounts, cost centers, cost units and periods.

Budget values and forecast values can be adjusted in any of the procedures Register Budget, Print Budget, Register Forecast and Print Forecast.

If you copy information to an account that already contains data, the existing data will be replaced with the copied data.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.