You are here: Accounting > Project > Register Basic Data - Project > Activities


In the drop-down menu, to the left of the Insert activity template button, you select the activity template you want to use. The selected template will then be inserted by using the button. The activity templates must first be created in the Activities procedure in the Global Settings module.

Next to No. you select the activities that shall apply by default per project type. You must first register activities under the Activities tab.

You can enter a default Responsible person for each activity. You select the Responsible person from the list of registered Users in the system.

The M column indicates whether or not an activity is mandatory, this means that it will not be possible to delete the activity.

You can also enter the Status of the default activity. The available alternatives are Not started, Started and Finished.

For information about the other columns, please read the help section for the Activities tab.

Here you can also enter Lead time and Queue time for an activity. These times are entered in days. The queue time is defined as the "gap" between two activities expressed in days. If, for example, the queue time is two days, the start date of an activity must be two days after the end date of the previous activity. The queue time can be a negative value. Here you can also enter the Planned time in hours.

In the Print column it is indicated whether or not an activity shall be shown in the project report in the Register Project procedure.