You are here: MONITOR Basics > General Functions and Methods > Managing Lists in the System > The Display List Tab

The Display List Tab

Under the ClosedDisplay List tab the lists and reports are presented. Here you can see the result of what you entered in the Create tab. If you want to change something in how you created the list it is easy to go back to the Create tab by clicking on that tab. You can also change window in the Window menu under Show | Search Form (which is another term for the Create tab) to show the Create tab, and Show | Report to show the Display List tab, and when applicable you can use Show | Chart to display the list in chart form.

Display list.

Sorting, Filtering and Properties

Under the Display list tab you can perform further sorting or filtering, and also add properties. In many lists you also have update options, see below.

At the bottom of the window there is an information bar where you by double-clicking on the respective symbol can load saved property and filer profiles and also load saved sorting profiles. If the list has been re-sorted, it will here be indicated by the symbol being displayed in color and the text "(re-sorted)". The same applies for filtered list. The information bar will then display the text "(filtered)". For a property profile you will see the name of the selected profile. You will also see the number of rows in the list and a symbol in the shape of a diskette if any update options exist in the list.

The information bar at the bottom of the Display List window.

You can also select the Preview tab in order to preview the printout version of the list after you have for example re-sorted it, etc.

Update Options

In many procedures you can in the Display List tab update data toward the database. Such a list will then contain fields with update options. Updatable fields are displayed with a filled frame where you can enter an optional text or a value. Certain fields can have multiple choices. In that case a drop-down list with a filled frame will be displayed in the field.

An updatable field indicated by a filled frame.

An updatable field with multiple choices (drop-down list).

The update of data directly in list is a powerful function that can be very useful, especially in combination with the "find & replace" function. If there are update options in a list, a small diskette symbol is displayed at the top to the right of the Selection heading under the Create tab. The disk will also be visible in the information bar at the bottom of the Display List tab.

A list that can be updated.

It is important to note that the possibility to update records directly in these lists is controlled by the user rights granted to user groups. The most usual work method is to allow a certain user group the right to update records in certain lists, while other user groups have read-only rights. The users in a group with read-only access to an updatable list, will see the disk symbol with a red cross over it, as is shown in the image below.

Show Chart

If you in the Create tab have selected a list type that shows total values, for example Only total, you can in the Display list tab show a graphic presentation of the data in the list. This is done by using the Show chart button that in these cases is visible in the Window functions. You can also choose to view the chart by going to Show | Chart in the Window menu.

When you are in the Show chart mode, you can access additional alternatives in the Info menu by right-clicking. Read more about this under the Managing Charts in Lists section.