You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Sales Statistics - Configuration > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. In the upper portion of the tab you select how to classify and select the list.

In the lower portion of the tab, under the heading List, there are a number of list types to choose from depending on what you want to show in the list. If you have selected the list type Total and the list is classified by Actual delivery period, you can also select if the list shall be totaled - per week, per month, per quarter or per year.

Under Alternative you can select a price alternative that will be compared with the invoiced value. This is useful if you want to view sales statistics for configured parts with different CM and CR depending on the selected price alternative. Under Period you can select different formats of the delivery period.

If you have selected the list type Save annual budget, you can select a raising factor and enter the year to which the annual budget shall be saved. You can also select different types of seasonal fluctuation.

Under printout samples, you can see samples of the different list types as well as comments regarding each list type.