You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Operation Reporting > The Operation Reporting Window

The Operation Reporting Window

In the upper part of the window you must first choose one of the following reporting types; Report existing operation or Add operation. In the first case you select a report number; and in the second case you select an order number.

The reasonability check can be activated and deactivated by using the Reasonability check box at the top of the window. If you have activated the Automatic material reporting box, you can also choose to Delete rest material. At the top portion of the window, a text will show whether multiple locations are active.

Once you have loaded a Report number, the window will display a number of information fields regarding the operation. To the right of the report number you will see the Order number, Part number and Operation number fields. You can enter an order additional text. If you have selected the alternative Add operation, these fields are activated instead of the Report number fields. Then you will also see the Existing operations button, where you can see which operations that exist for the selected part.

During reporting you enter Quantity to report, Rest quantity, Time to report, Setup time to report, Employee number and Goods location. If rejected parts exist you enter Rejects and Reject code, you can also enter Several reject codes button to the right of the Rejects field.

When you report the last operation (with transfer to stock), the Location field is shown instead of the Goods location field, where you enter the location for the arrival. If you use multiple locations, you can also add or change the location names in a window.

When you report the last operation, a field with the current stock balance will appear in the right portion of the window (above the yellow Transfer to stock heading). The quantity to report will then increase the stock balance with the same quantity, since the reporting on the last operation in the operation list determines the stock balance.

If this is a subcontract, you report cost instead of time in the fields Cost to report and Setup cost to report. These fields are shown in red font.

If the setting Report shipped quantity? has been activated, under the heading Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, you can also enter Shipped quantity and Shipped on for goods shipments to subcontractors.

You can select Other work center if it is not the planned work center. This is selected by default when using the Add operation alternative. If you have checked the box Other work center you can select the Actual work center that you want to report.

In the Actual period field you enter the actual period when the job was performed, this can deviate from the planned period during lag. The field shows today's date by default.

You will also see information regarding Planned quantity, Previous reported quantity, Calculated time, Previously reported time, Planned work center, Operation name and Start and Finish periods. If there is a previous operation, you will also see the fields Reported quantity for previous operation and Goods location for previous operation.

If you have activated the setting called Use measuring points in preparation and order you will find a button called Measuring points in the window. This is used to enter measurements for the operation.

If the supplement Tool Management has been installed, you will see the Tools button in the window, where you can update the tool list for an operation. The same tool list button can be found under Extended update for operations in the Comprehensive Reporting procedure.

All reporting made can be seen under the Reporting log... button, this button is greyed out if no reporting is made. Here you can see information about which report number(s) have been used to save reporting, as well as quantity and time.

If you click the Report number log... button, you can see information about the previous work recording/reporting made for this report number. You can see who performed the reporting, when and in which procedure. You can also see information about Reported quantity, Rest quantity, Unit rep., Setup rep., Comment, Reported work center, Employee number, Reject code, Rejects (if rejects have been reported), Shipped quantity (for subcontract), Supplier (for subcontract), Purchase order number (for subcontract), Indirect time and Auto material rep.

You can enter a comment regarding the reporting under the Comment button. The comment can be seen in the Log list in the Manufacturing Order Log procedure as well as under the Op. log and Order text tabs in the Post-Calculation procedure.