You are here: Workshop Info > Schedules / Tables > Schedule Calendars > Overtime Schedule

Overtime Schedule

Check the box Schedule for holidays if you want a special overtime schedule to apply to all your public holidays. By default you will in this field see the country that is entered in the Company Info. You can select among the following countries' holidays:

Enter the schedule number in the field that is shown when the check box is selected, by either using the arrow buttons or pressing F4 to see a list. You can only select overtime schedules.

Check the box for Special schedule non-working weekdays if a special overtime schedule should apply to all scheduled non-working days, meaning regular week days with day type 0 in the work schedules that are included in the calendar you are creating. Enter the schedule number in the field that is shown when the check box is selected, by either using the arrow buttons or pressing F4 to see a list. You can only select overtime schedules.