You are here: Workshop Info > Recording Procedures > Update Messages > General Information about Update Messages

General Information about Update Messages

This procedure is used by users in MONITOR that want to send messages to other users or employees. If employees want to send messages, this must be done via the Recording Terminal procedure.

Link to Recording Terminal

This procedure can be opened via the Recording Terminal so that employees can send messages to other MONITOR users or employees. This is done via the Send message button. Please see the Help Function for the Recording Terminal procedure.

Link to Attendance List

The procedure can also be opened via the Attendance List procedure to send messages to individual employees. The recipient of the message is then preselected.

Also see:


Send To

Sent Messages


Reading Messages in the Recording Terminal

Window Functions

Use Send message to send messages to the selected recipients.

Use Show sent messages to show the box containing sent messages.

Use Incoming messages to open the Incoming Messages procedure to read messages that have been sent to the MONITOR user.

Use Insert image to insert an image into the message.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.