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General Information about Order List - Service

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this procedure you can load lists from the service order register. You create, modify and delete service orders in the Register Service Order procedure.

Under the Create tab you select list type and which alternatives you want to show in the list. For example, it is possible to show delivered order rows.

The different list types are described under Printout Samples.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the Standard list, when classified by Order number, you can update Period and Quantity.

In the Update service data list you can update Status, Time used, Planned start, Planned finish and Priority.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

Under the Create tab, you can view a chart of the order list if you have selected the list type Only total.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: