You are here: Sales > Service Management > Register Basic Data - Service > Activities



In the Activities section you register all activities that should be default for the service type.


Here you select one of the activities registered under the Activities tab.


Here you will see the name of the activity.


Here you select the person responsible for the activity. You can select from the users registered in the Users procedure in the Global Settings module. The topmost selection is always "Logged-on user (standard)".


Here you select if the activity is mandatory or not, that is, it has to be performed. This means that you cannot uncheck the box M for an activity on a service order.


Here you select the default status for the activity. The available alternatives are Not started, Started and Finished.


Here you choose if the activity should be pre-selected for printout on service reports in the Print Service Report procedure.

Lead Time

Here you can enter a lead time for the activity.