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General Information about Resource Planning

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

Why Use This Procedure?

The resource planning can be seen as a priority plan for each service technician. When registering a service order you also plan who will perform the actual service engagement. You can register the prospective service technician when registering the order or later on. When registering the order you can see if the selected service technician is available or not.

Most of the service technicians are employed and their calendars are the bases for this planning. In addition to the service tasks, you will also see the employee's planned absence (for example vacation) in the resource planning. This way you can see if the service technician is available for service tasks or not.

In this procedure, the actual resource planning is made for each service technician. Here you can see the service technicians' schedules for each day as well as the service order status. The actual window is very similar to the Outlook calendar.

The window consists of the tabs Create, Display list, Calendar view and Preview. Under the Preview tab you can see what a printout of the list would look like.

Under Printout samples, you can see a sample of the list with explanations.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

You can change the Time used and Planned start time. This can be done either by making the changes in the list or by moving the service task in the calendar view

You can also load the Resource planning window to replan the service order. There you can also change service technician. This window is loaded by using the alternative "Edit service" found in the Info Menu when right-clicking on the "block" for a service task in the calendar view.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.