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General Information about Print Service Order

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Here you can make printouts of service orders and service quotes. You create service orders in the Register Service Order procedure. When you are registering service orders, you can also preview and print order confirmations or quotes. You can print it on a preprinted form or on a blank paper.

You can only print quotes if the order status is 0 (Quote). The order status will not change when approving the printout of the quote. When you approve the printout of the order confirmation, the order status will be set to 2 (Printed) if it previously was 1 (Registered).

This procedure is the same as the Print Customer Order for customer orders.

In the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings module, you can determine how you want the printouts to be handled. For example, you can decide how many copies of the document that should be printed each time by default. You can also select the number of copies you want to print. You can print quotes and/or order confirmations at any time.

Here you will see printout samples of quotes and order confirmations.

Managing the Window

The Search Form in this procedure consists of two portions. In many ways, this procedure functions in the same way as other form printout procedures, for example the Print Customer Order procedure mentioned above.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.