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List types

Under List type there are three different types of lists that you can create in this procedure. These are described in the text below.

Clearance List

The clearance list is used to perform material clearance for those sold parts that are included in one or more customer orders. Cleared parts cannot be used to fill other customer orders. If you use the Clearance list option, you can also decide whether to print a pick list or not.

Pick List

The pick list is used to pick the parts that are going to be delivered. The pick lists shows information such as the stock location. You can also sort the pick list by location, so that the stock picking is performed in a more rational and speedy manner. The pick list also contains a column where the person who performed the picking can check off, initial or sign each pick.

Pick Lists EDI

These pick lists are also used to pick the parts that are going to be delivered. These pick lists are intended more for batch or “bundle” deliveries based on the delivery note number, when the waybill and delivery note should be sent via EDI, and when you use G-parts (packaging) to include package information. The three variants of this type of list are:

Detailed information regarding the Clearance list, Pick list and Pick lists EDI and the use of these can be found under the Printout samples. Please read more about EDI and Manage packaging parts in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.