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The Extra Info Button

Under the Extra Info button you will find information required if you use certain EDI functions, for example shipping. The shipping information is sent using EDI in the Print Shipping Documents procedure for the selected shipping agent.

Here you can also enter certain information that is printed on shipping documents for the selected shipping agent. If you use EDI for purchase orders and delivery schedules to a supplier, this window contains certain settings that can be configured. You find them at the end of the list.

The information entered here is specific for the shipping agent/supplier. Below you will find a description of the available alternatives in this window.

For most of the information here you normally need support from Monitor ERP System AB.

Our EDI address for this shipping agent

Used for certain EDI functions.

Our EDI address qualifier for this shipping agent

Used for certain EDI functions.

Shipping agent EDI address

Used for certain EDI functions.

Shipping agent EDI address qualifier

Used for certain EDI functions.

EDI Application reference for shipping agent

Used for certain EDI functions.

Receiver's administrator

Used for certain EDI functions.

Shipper's administrator

Used for certain EDI functions.

Account for incoming shipments

Used for certain EDI functions.

Account for outgoing shipments

Used for certain EDI functions.

Our Routing address for this shipping agent

Used for certain EDI functions.

Shipping agent's Routing address

Used for certain EDI functions.

Test indicator

Used for certain EDI functions.

Transport contract number

If the supplier is a shipping agent, you can enter a transport contract number for any existing transport contracts or agreements. This number is then printed by default in a special box on the SIS Waybill for this shipping agent.

Short supplier name

If the supplier name is very long, you can enter an abbreviated supplier name in this field. This will be printed on certain shipping documents where a long company name will not fit in the space provided.

Destination zip code

The destination zip code entered here is always printed on the shipping documents, and overrides the zip code entered for this supplier in the Zip and city field under Delivery address in the Addresses/Terms tab. This can be used when the destination city has another zip code than the one registered for the delivery address. This field is linked to the Destination field under the Info tab.

Export purchase order?

This setting determines that the purchase order data will also be loaded to the EDI data table for export to an export file when printing purchase orders. This export file is created when running MEDI in the directory entered on the link for purchase orders in the EDI Links procedure.

Supplier-specific EDI link for orders?

Here you enter the row number for the EDI link for purchase order export files for this supplier. The row number is obtained when you enter EDI links in the EDI Links procedure. This field is only used if the supplier in question has another format on the export file than the standard format, which is entered under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

Supplier-specific EDI link for delivery schedules?

Here you enter the row number for the EDI link for delivery schedule export files for this supplier. The row number is obtained when you enter EDI links in the EDI Links procedure. This field is only used if the current supplier has another format on the export file than the standard format, which is entered under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

No EDI order printout

This setting determines whether or not you can print EDI orders on a printer or fax in the Print Purchase Order procedure. If you activate this setting, the EDI orders will not be printed. These orders can only be exported, provided that you have selected that option in the Search Form. This setting also affects the direct-print from the Register Purchase Order procedure. When direct-printing orders, an export is always made if this is applicable for the supplier, but no form is printed if this setting is active.

Use package size in Print Shipping Documents

If this setting is activated for suppliers who are uses as shipping agents the package size, entered on the order rows in the Print Shipping Documents procedure, will also be used during export of shipment to that supplier. By activating the selection Enter package size, in the Info Menu on order rows in the abovementioned procedure, the setting Save package size to package row will be selected by default.

If this setting is not activated the fields Length, Width and Height will be greyed out on the package rows on shipments to that shipping agent in the abovementioned procedure. This way it will be clear that package size is not used by this shipping agent (this is also shown in a tooltip over the fields). You can still use these fields as well as the selection called Enter package size in order to calculate package volume on the package rows.

Dispatch advice type

Here you select the advice type that you want to use per supplier or shipping agent. For suppliers you use the advice type Goods info to goods receiver in the Dispatch Advice procedure in the Sales module. For shipping agents you use the advice type Shipping info to goods receiver in the same procedure. If you select "None" or if you leave the field is left empty, then you cannot dispatch advice from the Dispatch Advice procedure. The available alternatives are:

Dispatch Advice Method

Here you enter the advice method. Depending on which Dispatch advice type you have selected, you enter the following:

Dispatch advice type

Dispatch advice method


Leave empty.


Enter the ID number for the link row in EDI links concerning the recipient. If you leave this field empty, the standard advice link is used.

E-mail text

Enter the recipient's e-mail address.

Fax form

Enter the recipient's fax number.


Leave empty.

Shipper ID (From) for dispatch advice to Pacsoft/Unifaun

This setting is not used in normal cases. It determines which shipper that will be used in Pacsoft Online/Unifaun and is displayed on the "From" row in the EDI file when dispatching advice to Pacsoft Online. The setting will override the company's general shipper ID entered under the Extra info... button in the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings module.

Shipper ID (LegalFrom) for dispatch advice to Unifaun

This ID determines which shipper that will be used in Unifaun and is displayed on the "LegalFrom" row in the EDI file when dispatching advice to Unifaun. The setting will override the company's general shipper ID entered in the corresponding field under the Extra info button in the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings.

ID when advising to Apport

Here you can enter the supplier ID in the Apport.Net address book. This will be shown on the CONSIGNEE row in the EDI file for dispatch advice to Apport.Net. If the supplier is a shipping agent you will find the information on the PICKUP row in the EDI file. In that case the setting will override the company's general shipper ID entered under the Extra info button in the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings module.

Shipper ID (Pickup) for dispatch advice to Apport

Here you can enter an ID for another shipper in the Apport.Net address book than the shipper who is the payer. This will be shown on the PICKUP row in the EDI file for dispatch advice to Apport.Net. This ID will override the ID when advising to Apport under the Extra info button in the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings module.

Shipping agent's printer number for Unifaun

Here you can enter a printer number in MONITOR for printing to Unifaun for the supplier/shipping agent in question. The printer will be used in cases when the printout should be manually sent for example as a PDF file in an e-mail. The printer in MONITOR must in that case be a PDF printer.

Automatic booking when advising

This setting is activated by default and the freight will then be booked automatically when the shipment is advised to Memnon/Apport or Unifaun.

Shipping agent for dispatch advice to Apport (General)

Here you can enter a name of the shipping agent. The name will be included when advising to Apport.Net in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. This name is used unless exception for selected services below is used.

Shipping agent for dispatch advice to Apport (Service)

In these fields you can enter a name for the shipping agent for selected services. The name will be included when advising to Apport.Net in the Print Shipping Documents procedure.

DHL Express

No longer used.

Mark shipping docs for this shipping agent

This is where you decide how to mark shipping documents. The available alternatives are:

Please Note! This option can only be activated after approval from the shipping agent.

Export both sender's address and pick-up address to shipper

If you activate this setting, you can determine third party logistics for Unifaun and Apport for both receivers/recipients and shippers. This setting will affect already existing shipping agents based on the settings made in the Update Shipping Agent procedure.

Export both receiver address and delivery address to shipper

If you activate this setting, you can determine third party logistics for Unifaun and Apport for both receivers/recipients and shippers. This setting will affect already existing shipping agents based on the settings made in the Update Shipping Agent procedure.

Code for shipping agent (Unifaun)

Here you enter the code for the shipping agent at Unifaun.

All fields (Unifaun) for codes, names, services and additional services are used during advice to Unifaun Online. These fields are intended for shipping agents whose Shipping agent ID has been set to "Unifaun (general)" in the Update Shipping Agent procedure. The information that should be entered here is obtained from Unifaun at (login is required).

Name for service (Unifaun)

Here you can enter the name of the service at Unifaun or APS.

Code for service (Unifaun)

Here you can enter the code of the service at Unifaun.

Name for Additional service 1-4 (Unifaun/APS)

Here you can enter the name of up to four additional services for Unifaun or APS.

Code for Additional service 1-4 (Unifaun/APS)

Here you can enter codes of up to four additional services for Unifaun or APS.

Sub id (Unifaun)

The Sub ID is used for neutral shipping agents with Unifaun Online. When labeling goods that will be picked up by so-called neutral shipping agents (different haulers, the company's own trucks, etc.), the name of the shipping agent/carrier in question will be printed on the shipping documents instead of the text "neutral goods".

Split package for Unifaun Online

If you have activated this setting, packages will be divided for Unifaun Online so that the result will be one row per package in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. Each package row will then have one (1) as quantity and its own ID.

Pre-advising e-mail (Unifaun)

Using this setting you can activate pre-advising via e-mail to the receiver/recipient of shipments sent to Unifaun. This function is not activated by default, but the recommendation is to use the pre-advising.

Return label (Unifaun)

Here you find options for printing return labels for shipments sent to Unifaun. The available alternatives are:

LinkToPrint (Unifaun)

Here you find options to get Unifaun to include links to their website so that it is possible for a customer's customer to print address labels etc. directly from Unifaun (for example for subcontracts etc.). The available alternatives are:

Warning final booking time (shipping)

Here you can enter the latest possible time to book for dispatch advice to shipping agent. This time should be entered as hh:mm, for example 13:45. When dispatching advice you will receive a warning if the final booking time has been exceeded. You will then have the opportunity to continue or to cancel the advising.

Default earliest pick-up Monday-Friday (hh:mm)

Here you can, for each transport day of the week, enter the earliest time for when goods is allowed to be picked up by the shipping agent. This time should be entered as hh:mm, for example 11:30 AM. The entered time will then be entered by default in the corresponding field Earliest pick-up under Date, time under the Extra info tab in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. There you have to go to the tab called General at the very bottom of the window.

Default latest pick-up Monday-Friday (hh:mm)

Here you can, for each transport day of the week, enter the latest time for when goods is allowed to be picked up by the shipping agent. This time should be entered as hh:mm, for example 11:30 AM. The entered time will then be entered by default in the corresponding field Latest pick-up under Date, time under the Extra info tab in the Print Shipping Documents procedure. There you have to go to the tab called General at the very bottom of the window.

Supplier-specific EDI link for VMI

Here you will find five fields where you can enter the ID number for the link row in the EDI Links procedure that should be valid. If you leave a field empty, the default EDI link will be used.

(These five supplier-specific EDI links for VMI are included in a customer adaptation and do not have to be entered in a standard system.)

EDI export in Print Delivery Schedules - Subcontract

This setting determines whether or not that data during printout in the Print Delivery Schedules - Subcontract should also be loaded to the table EDI Data for export to an export file. This export file is then created when running MEDI in the directory entered on the EDI link for export of delivery schedules - subcontract. The purpose is to inform the subcontractor via EDI about what kind of work load they can expect at the moment and in the near future. If this setting is not activated, a regular form printout will be made. If you want another EDI link than the default one, this can be selected in the setting Supplier-specific EDI link for delivery schedules.