You are here: Purchase > Accounts Payable > Register Supplier Invoice > The Order Link Tab

The Order Link Tab

The system allows you to create a supplier invoice basis when arrival reporting purchase orders. One purpose with this feature is to be able to check and code against the purchase order that was the basis for the invoice. If there is no purchase order as supplier invoice basis, you can create a basis afterwards by using the New order button. These bases can then be seen in the Invoice Basis procedure.

In the left portion of the Order link tab, you will see a list of the order numbers that have been arrival reported for the selected supplier. You link the order to the invoice by checking the box to the left of the order number. The button is used to load rows that have been arrival reported after the procedure was opened and order rows were linked to the invoice.

At the top of the window you will find order information about the selected order number. The right portion of the window will then show the order rows included in that order. For each order row you will see; Part number, Name, Arrived quantity, Unit, Arrival date, Account, etc. The information you can change here is the Price each, Account, Discount and Amount of the row.

You can add new rows by clicking on the Add row button. By allowing you to freely select the order rows that you want to link to the invoice, you can also link invoices to only a portion of an order. If the invoice concerns several orders, you can also link more than one order to a single invoice.

At the top of the window, you will see information about the selected order (row). You can also press the Not arrived button to see which orders have not arrived yet. By clicking on the Reject log button, you can see a log of any rejects made on the current order row.

By using the Preliminary link button ( you can save, even though you have not completed the order link (you are missing an invoice basis, or you intend to finish linking the invoice at a later date). An invoice like that will only become registered/preliminary coded, and cannot be paid.

If the invoice amount matches the order amount and everything looks OK, you can complete the check by pressing the Link button. The invoice status will then be changed to Final coded. Finish by clicking Save in the Window functions.

Via the Info menu (accessed by right-clicking) you will find additional functions to change the layout, preview purchase orders and update prices.

By using the setting Allow linking of own purchase orders in Register Supplier Invoice?, under MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, you can select if the users shall be authorized to link their own purchase orders.

Managing Differences

Sometimes the invoice amount and order value can differ. This may be due to extra items in the invoice (such as freight costs or shipping), or that a part price differs from the order to the invoice. You use the Distribute diff button to evenly distribute the difference over all order rows (row type 1). Please note that coding of price difference during purchase also apply when purchasing subcontracts.

ClosedManaging Difference Due to Records Added to Invoice

Items that are added to the invoice can be managed in two different ways:

  1. Add an order row (row type 1, 2 or 3) and enter the part number/service code, price and coding.
  2. Link the invoice with a diff, and manually code the difference. When linking with a difference, the invoice will not be automatically final coded. Instead, you must code the difference manually. The Coding window for Final coding will then open automatically.

ClosedManaging Difference Due to Part Price Changed on Invoice

If the difference is caused by a change in the part's price from the order to the invoice, you can manage it in the following way:

  1. Change the amount on the row to the price in the invoice, which will make the difference disappear, and click on Link.
  2. Select the option Invoice blocked (important!) under the Supplier invoice tab and save the invoice.

This method has two consequences: First, the invoice is blocked from payment, and secondly, the invoice is placed in a list that the responsible purchaser can use to see which invoices must be checked and unblocked, if possible, so that they can proceed for payment.

The list that the purchaser can use to check blocked invoices can be printed in the Print Not Final Coded / Blocked Invoices. There you must select list type Blocked and the Show order rows option.

This method provides smooth supplier invoice management in the company, without having to send them out to be authorized.