You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > Confirmed Delay

Confirmed Delay

By checking the box Confirmed delay, you can confirm order rows as delayed. This means that the supplier will not be able to deliver according to the planned delivery period even though reminders have been sent. This is also an indication to other users in the system saying that the order row will be delayed and that there is no use sending reminders to the supplier.

A confirmed delay means that we must try to catch up, for example reduce the affected throughput time and queue days in order to mitigate the effects of the delay.

You can also confirm order rows as delayed in the procedures Import EDI Order Responses and Flow Analysis - Purchase. If an order has been confirmed as delayed, you will see this symbol in the flow analysis procedures.

This information will then be available in the Part Info. You can also choose to show the information in the Rescheduling Suggestion - In and Delivery Reminders procedures.