You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Nonconformity > The Affect Balance... Button

The Affect Balance... Button

This button is available if you have activated the setting Affect balance in Register Nonconformity?, under Quality under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure. You can use this button if the nonconformity should affect the balance. (The same window is used during other stock transactions in/out.)

Stock withdrawal is made for supplier nonconformities and internal nonconformities. Transfer to stock is made for customer nonconformities. The affect balance is most useful when dealing with supplier nonconformities. The parts are then picked from stock and returned to the supplier. You can also use the affect balance when dealing with internal nonconformities (parallel to supplier nonconformities). As regards customer nonconformities, it can be used for parts that are returned from a customer and were approved without any adjustment and placed in stock.

If the nonconformity should affect the balance, the nonconformity number and nonconformity type are saved to the inventory log to have different coding of supplier and customer nonconformities in the Management accounting.

To be able to affect the balance, the nonconformity must have been saved. Furthermore, the nonconformity must contain a part number and a reported reject quantity. The reported reject quantity will be suggested as the quantity by which the balance shall be affected. But if you later on enter a verified reject quantity, the reported reject quantity will be adjusted.

After you have executed the balance reporting in the reporting window, this button will be greyed out. If you add a reported or verified reject quantity later on, this button will be re-activated. Then you can perform balance reporting again.

Please Note! The affect balance (stock transaction) is saved directly on the nonconformity when executing the affect balance reporting window. This means that you do not have to save the nonconformity to execute the transaction.

If you affect the balance in this procedure, you do not have to use the Posterior Rejection procedure. Instead of using the Posterior Rejection procedure, you use the Delivery Performance from Supplier to measure the supplier's ability to deliver the correct quality. When using the Posterior Rejection procedure, you make the measurement in the Supplier Rating procedure. Please note that any stock withdrawal made in the Register Nonconformity will not affect the consumption statistics. The consumption statistics was previously affected by stock withdrawals made in the Posterior Rejection procedure.