You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Basic Data > The Activities Tab

The Activities Tab

Under the Activities tab you can register or delete activities.

These activities can then be selected for a nonconformity type under the Nonconformity types tab, as well as when registering new nonconformities directly under the Activities tab in the Register Nonconformity procedure. You can register an optional number of activities. The activity number can be used to classify the Activity List. The most common activities that frequently occur for nonconformities should be registered with individual activity numbers. It may also be convenient to have an activity called "Other" or "Miscellaneous" or something similar.

The activities are configured by language. In other words, you can enter the equivalent names for each respective activity in the different languages registered in the Languages procedure. The activity name can then be printed on the related documents, based on the language registered for the customer or supplier that is linked to a nonconformity.

Here you can enter a default lead time (days) for calculating a planned finish date for the activity.