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General Information about Register Basic Data

Why Use This Procedure?

Before using the Nonconformity Management features in the system, you must first update certain basic data in this procedure. The window consists of four tabs: the first tab is used to define Default values per nonconformity type, the second tab to update Activities and the third to update Costs. Under the fourth tab you define nonconformity types.

Default Values per Nonconformity Type

Under the Default values tab you can register default values for the different nonconformity types. The system is delivered with four nonconformity types: Supplier nonconformity, Customer nonconformity, Internal nonconformity and Preventive action. These are based on four different basic types with the same name. Under the Nonconformity types tab you can also register own nonconformity types based on one of the four basic types.

The basic data for nonconformity types is a sort of "preparation" for the nonconformity type containing comments, documents, activities, a responsible administrator for the nonconformity type, and the person responsible for reporting activities, as well as different costs. By default, the basic data is loaded to each respective nonconformity type when registering new nonconformities.

You can configure activities and costs as mandatory, which means that they must be carried out or applied to a nonconformity and cannot be deleted. The different activities can describe either a predetermined or default work flow or procedure to follow for each nonconformity type. The costs can describe either predetermined or default costs that must be charged to a nonconformity type.

You can also enter comments for each nonconformity type, as a sort of note or annotation for this window.

Activities and Costs

Under the Activities and Costs tabs you can register an optional number of activities and costs in separate tables, that will be loaded when you register them per nonconformity type. These activities and costs will also be loaded when being configured directly on a nonconformity. The most common or frequent activities and costs that apply to nonconformities should be entered in these tables.

The activities are configured by language and can be translated into the languages registered in the Languages procedure in the Global Settings module.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.