You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Basic Data > The Default Values Tab

The Default Values Tab

Under the Default Values tab you enter/select default values per nonconformity type, for example who is the person responsible for the nonconformity type, as well as which activities and costs are default values for this type.

You can also enter internal comments for each nonconformity type, that can be used as internal notes or annotations for the nonconformity type or for the entered values. You can enter external comments for the nonconformity types Customer nonconformity and Supplier nonconformity. These can be used as notes or annotations for the nonconformity and will be included in the documents sent to the customer or supplier.

If you have installed the supplementary function Document Viewing, you can also link external documents intended for comments and activities. The button is found to the right of the Comment button as well as on the activity rows.

You can register a default responsible person for each activity, which then applies to the current nonconformity type. All the activities and costs must first be registered under the respective Activities and Costs tabs.