You are here: Inventory > Quality > Register Basic Data > Activities


You use the Activities table to enter an optional number of default activities for this nonconformity type. You must first register activities under the Activities tab.


This is where you select an activity number. Each activity is given an activity number when it is registered.


Here you select the default person responsible for carrying out this activity. You select the Responsible person from the list of registered users in the system. The Responsible person can see "his/her" activities in the Activity Reporting procedure.


By using the C button you can enter a comment for the activity which also will be loaded to the nonconformity. You should also read the Entering Comments or Instructions in the chapter called MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics guide to better understand this window.

Document Viewer

If you use the supplement Document Viewer, you can use the button to link and view external documents to the activity which also will be loaded to the nonconformity.


Here you check whether or not this activity is mandatory (M). This means that you cannot delete this default activity from a new nonconformity.


Here you select the default status for this activity. There are three different status options: "Not started", "Started" and "Finished". "Not started" is obviously the status that normally should be used as the default status. However, there may be special cases when the activities should be set to "Finished" when registering the nonconformity.


Here you check whether this activity should printed by default on the Response document, that may be sent to a customer as Claim Confirmation.

Lead Time

Here you can enter a default lead time (days) for calculating a planned finish date for a default activity. The lead time will then be added to the planned date for the default activity, when registering new activities in the Register Nonconformity procedure.


If you uncheck this box, no reminders will be created for this activity. For some activities you might not want to get reminders. This can for example be activities regarding internal nonconformities registered when rejects have occurred during operation reporting in the Operation Reporting, Comprehensive Reporting or Recording Terminal procedures.