You are here: Inventory > Orders > Register Stock Order > Extra Row Info...

Extra Row Info...

Text Type

This field only appears on text rows (row type 4). There is a number of different text types for text rows that determine on which documents the text rows should be printed:

Checkbox Used to Link Text Row

To the right of the Text type field there is a check box that can be used to link the text row to the part that is included in the order row above. You can also link a text row by double-clicking to the left of the text field in the rows tab. Linked text rows are shown with a little grey arrow icon help0088.gif to the left of the row.

The link makes it easier when an order row has been partially delivered, since the text row also becomes partially delivered. This means that it will actually remain in the system until a later partial delivery of this order row.

Delivery Period

The Delivery period field is shown only for text rows (row type 4), under the section Extra row info. You can use this field to select another delivery period than the delivery period on the order row.

Row type 1 and 6

Here you can see or enter revision, planned arrival and weight. The rest quantity, delivered quantity and arrived quantity are also displayed. The planned arrival is loaded from the Company Info.

Row Type 5

For this row type there is no extra information.


Here you can see the current stock balance for the part on the order row. If the stock balance is negative, the text will appear in red font. You can also set the system to sound a warning signal if the balance is negative. This is configured by the setting Check against lead time and balance on order rows in Register Stock Order? under the heading Stock order under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.